Structural Strengthening
Structural Strengthening
Using Carbon Fibre
There are many reasons for strengthening a structure, such as decreased performance due to fatigue, a change of use, increased loading or required modifications.
Traditionally, plate bonding using steel plates attached to the concrete surface provided a solution for improving load bearing capacity, reducing deflections and improving bending characteristics. However, advances in material technology has meant that using steel for this technique has been largely surpassed by using resin impregnated carbon fibre plates, which have the advantage of being significantly lighter than steel plate. Thinner sheets of carbon fibre are now used achieve the same increase in structural performance as steel plates. Strengthening using carbon fibre fabric can be used on and in concrete, steel, masonry or timber structures.

The carbon fibre fabric has a bi-directional weave and can be applied in single or multiple layers depending on the level of strengthening or increased structural capacity to be achieved.
Carbon fibre is not limited to typical plate bonding applications and can also be wrapped around columns and beams, and to improve impact and bursting performance in highways applications. The resin enables the transfer of stresses between the fibres and has the added functionality of protecting the fibres within the wrap.
Foreva uses industry-approved adhesive to apply carbon fibre wrap or plates, ensuring the bond to the structural surface is achieved for successful strengthening. Carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) is quick to apply, lightweight and durable.